sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010

Burning Brazil: Lula and Dilma lung

In Goiás, the Emas National Park had 90% of the area burned, while the National Park of Araguaia, Tocantins, fighting the fire lasts nearly a month. Indian lands burn out of control. Only on this day September 3, 116 protected areas of the country record fires, according to INPE.

The edges in farm areas, and fire that comes inside. The recent wave of fires that raged in the southern and central Amazonian Brazil showed that protected areas (PAs) are vulnerable during periods of extreme drought. It also showed that the government and public agencies to combat and prevent the fire have disabilities and are not prepared for large wildfires.

"Out of the Prevention of Fire in the States, there are more who do covers and make a fundamental step in the planning, which are precisely the plans to prevent and combat," says a servant of the Ministry of Environment who asked not to be identified.

Held in 2008, the division of IBAMA was done on paper, but seems not to be fully consolidated. She may have been a cause of the lack of preventive action - according to some analysts pointed ears for comment. And this year, the system is being put to the test with the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) captaining the first time without the aid of Prevfogo preventing and fighting fires. "Before the separation of the two bodies, there was an integrated center, specialized, experienced people," says a servant of the organ, who worked on PrevFogo and also asked not to be identified.

The parks and reserves of the country, managed by ICMBio, were in part without the structure of PrevFogo, which this year had as a priority aid to municipalities and critical task of combating all forms of forest fire. The PAs were with the brigade - who were hired and trained.
However, no prevention work, says the agency servers. "The fire lines," cites the example of the employee "should be arranged several months in advance, otherwise does not stop a forest fire." These tasks will take at least six months of the year - and not the few weeks that takes the fire to roast the park.

In recent years, the Environment Ministry has been implementing a series of forums aimed at integrating the forces directly involved with the issue of fire in various spheres of government. It lacked, however, integrate the teams of their own ministry after separation of the two institutes.


The release of funds to fight the fire only occurs now in full emergency. The announcement by Minister Izabella Teixeira on the allocation of tens of millions of dollars to fight only proves immediately that it was not for want of money a policy of fire prevention in conservation units and indigenous lands did not leave the paper.

"What impresses me most is the contrast between the poor working conditions of environmental agencies and the mountain of money is spent in emergency situations. If 1% of £ 48 million had been invested in prevention and equipment of agencies that operate in Tocantins, surely the damage would be incomparably less, "he said in comments reported on ((o)) echo, environmental analyst Araguaia National Park , Raoni Japiassu. "I hope that this whole mountain of resources available at the beginning of the year when we all begin work to prevent fires."

In the last week of August, the Environment Ministry released daily briefings, held a press conference to a series of press conferences and faced the fact that the fire in the UCs with gravity. Entered the field planes, helicopters and hiring hundreds of firefighters to combat wildfire. Expensive measures, though effective against calamity.

Little is explained, however, the institutional deficiencies. The drought was predictable - the Ministry has an agreement with the National Institute for Space Research, with reports on weather and location of hotspots. With it came the fire. A number of measures could have been taken to prevent from spreading so as to burn almost an entire national park - the case of Emas - like the construction of firebreaks, which are cuts in the woods that would prevent the flames from spreading.

The fires are almost entirely criminal, as evidenced in Emas where he had found human footprints in places where the fire started, and government agencies has sought the enforcement through fines and criminal proceedings. The problem is that many conservation areas, as well as indigenous lands are invaded, or were demarcated without the regularization take care of unemployment.

Indian lands were 13% of the total area burned in the last month. Many indigenous peoples, such as the Xavante, the Bororo and opinions, use fire as a custom of their traditions. Collective hunts, where the fire used to burn the surrounding forest and animals in general are linked to cosmological situations, and are tools for weddings and traditional festivals.

Often, however, are the fireworks the neighbors that encroach on Indian lands. "It's burning everything, without control. But do not know if it was our fire, traditional or farmers, as it is mixed, says the chief Supretaprã, Indian Land Pimentel Barbosa. There's combat brigades, and so little workshops were prepared for, among Indians, instruct them about the threat of drought to come, and could be overwhelming.

Draws attention to an experience drawn from the people and mynky Irantxe, who also occupy an area of Cerrado and Amazon transition in Mato Grosso, may be a reference. The PrevFogo IBAMA in partnership with Funai local, organized a series of workshops with the Indians, discussed the traditional methods of use of fire, built fire lines and strategies to prevent an uncontrolled fire in the dry season. The result is that this drought has not been burned in these territories.

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